Brands We Love: Bobo Choses

In this series of “Brands We Love and Why” we will introduce you to some of our most coveted labels from around the globe. Building a wardrobe you and your boys can feel good about isn’t always easy. We’re here to help you find what you’re looking for and create a dreamy, curated, little boys closet while being good to the planet at the same time. We invite you to shop premium boyswear brands with us and sell them back once your favorite items are outgrown.

Bobo Choses boy with mouse mask

Why am I such a big fan of Bobo Choses?

For many reasons, but let’s start here: their clothing makes me smile from the inside out. 

Designing just two blocks away from the inspirational coastline of the Mediterranean Sea, Bobo Choses is based in Barcelona, Spain. The colors and playful attitude are a direct translation of the culture of the city, the place that Bobo Choses calls home.

Once upon a time there was a clothing brand that spoke the language of children…

In preparation for this blog post, I pulled some tidbits from including their brand vision: We form emotional attachments between adults and children, creating imaginary worlds for kids to explore their creativity, play and enjoy life. 

Maybe intuitively I knew this about them already. I can feel this sentiment in the brand DNA and it translates into my own lifestyle as a parent raising two young boys. It’s important to me to foster boundless creativity, a deep sense of curiosity, and a piercing sense of compassion for the Earth and all of the people living on it. 

3 boys wearing bobo choses

Just one more reason to fall in love with Bobo Choses is their commitment to environmental protection. They make it clear that as much as they understand that any company making new products in the textile and clothing sector will be contributing to environmental damage, they are taking steps to do the most that they can to protect the planet while also creating pieces that bring so much joy to children, parents, and families. 

In my own opinion, Bobo Choses is a brand that exudes an “I can be anything attitude” – a brand that invites each of us to “let it fly” forget about any preexisting boundaries and dream bigger, create differently, and always - no matter what - do it playfully.

Shop Bobo Choses on LBT

Coming soon…

Our favorite shops to buy Bobo Choses new:


Brands We Love: Rylee and Cru